Our blog is intended to provide you with regular information on current legislation and case law, amendments to the law and our lecturing activities. With our contributions, we pursue the goal of creating added value for your everyday legal life.

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Dedicated private road - application of StVO for pedestrians and cyclists?

Created by Mag. Bianca Holzer |
Civil Law

1 facts of the case

An accident occurred on a private path between a cyclist and a minor pedestrian. According to the owner's dedication, the private…

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[Translate to Englisch:] Gesellschaftsrechtliches Digitalisierungsgesetz 2022

Company Law Digitalization Act 2022

Created by Thomas Hörantner, LL.M. |
Corporate Law , Commercial Law

In the course of implementing the "Digitalization Directive" (Directive 2019/1151/EU of 20 June 2019 - as amended: "Directive"), the Austrian…

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Unlawfulness of an indexation clause in contract forms (rental agreement) against consumers if a rent increase is theoretically possible within 2 months from the start of the rental period (OGH 8 Ob 37/23h)

Created by Thomas Hörantner, LL.M. |
Tenancy Law , Civil Law


One of the largest property management companies in Austria uses contract forms as a representative of landlords when concluding tenancy…

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[Translate to Englisch:] Was bringt das neue Interbankenentgeltevollzugsgesetz (IEVG)?

What does the new Interchange Fee Enforcement Act (IEVG) regulate?

Created by Mag. Bianca Holzer |
Banking Law , Payment Law

The new Interchange Fee Enforcement Act (IEVG) has been in force since the end of April. With the IEVG, national accompanying regulations for the EU…

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[Translate to Englisch:] Entscheidung des OGH zu 9 Ob 102/22y

Decision of the Supreme Court on 9 Ob 102/22y - Withdrawal in abuse of rights under the FAGG?

Created by Thomas Hörantner, LL.M. |
Civil Law


Through the intermediation of a commercial real estate agent, the defendants ("potential buyers") inspected a property for sale. The…

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Seminar announcement "Payment transactions, payment account, payment services"

Created by Mag. Sylvia Unger |
Banking Law , Payment Law , Business Law , Lecture / Lectures

On 13.06.2023 the professional seminar "Payment transactions, payment services, payment account! Current regulatory and civil law! - Current…

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New legislative proposal on hearings by video conference in administrative proceedings

Created by Mag. Bianca Holzer |
Administrative Law , Administrative Criminal Law

On 28.04.2023, the ministerial legislative proposal amending the General Administrative Procedure Act (AVG), the Administrative Penal Act (VStG) and…

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Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) - Part 2

Created by Thomas Hörantner, LL.M. |
Commercial Law , Business Law

Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 on the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) came into force on 16 January 2023.

For affected entities, DORA is…

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Decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Austria on 4 Ob 122/22b

Created by Thomas Hörantner, LL.M. |
Tenancy Law , Civil Law

The absolute statute of limitations of claims for damages does not apply to claims of the landlord according to § 1111 ABGB


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