Competent advice in the economic field is our strength. We accompany our clients through all the challenges of everyday business life and have over 20 years of expertise in supporting companies.

Mag Sylvia Unger
Born in 1971
Attorney-at-law (Rechtsanwältin) since 2001
Professional experience:
2011 Formation of the law firm Unger
2008 – 2011 Partner and managing director of the law firm Bichler Zrzavy Rechtsanwälte GmbH
2001 – 2007 Attorney-at-law (Rechtsanwältin) at the law firm Bichler Zrzavy Rechtsanwälte
10/2001 Registered attorney-at-law (Rechtsanwältin) at the Vienna Bar Association (RAK Wien)
1997 – 2001Associate at the law firms Draxler & Partner and Bichler Zrzavy Rechtsanwälte
University education:
Study of law at the University of Graz, Austria Special course in European law (EURO-JUS) at the Danube University Krems, Austria: Master of Advanced Studies in European Law University of Parma, Italy: semester abroad
German, English, Italian
- Prchlik/Unger, Praxiswissen – Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB), Weka-Verlag
- Praxiswissen – Rechtshandbuch für Unternehmer, Weka-Verlag
- Unger/Holzer, Lizenzen in der Zivilluftfahrt für Piloten, technisches Bedienungspersonal und sonstiges Luftfahrtpersonal – Kurzeinführung in das Luftfahrtrecht, Kitzler Verlag (2015)
- Praxishandbuch – Betriebsratsarbeit, Weka-Verlag
- Praxishandbuch – Arbeitszeitrecht, Weka-Verlag
- Tuder (Hrsg), Handbuch Zahlungsverkehr 4.0 (2023), Linde Verlag
Lecturing activity:
- Lectures on the legal aspects of cashless payments: “Kompaktwissen Karten – rechtlichen Aspekte des unbaren Zahlungsverkehrs“
- Lectures on payment transactions, payment services and payment accounts, including internet banking fees: “ZAHLUNGSVERKEHR, ZAHLUNGSDIENSTE, ZAHLUNGSKONTO! -PSD II, PAD, ZaDiG, VO über Interbankenentgelte (Finanzverlag/Kitzler Verlag)“
- Practical seminar on licenses in civil aviation for pilots, technical operators and other aviation personnel (Kitzler Verlag)
- Practical seminar on labour law for executives (WEKA-Verlag)
Additional qualifications:
- Zukunft.Frauen – the women in management programme of the Federal Ministry for Economy, Family and Youth, the Industrielle Vereinigung (industrial association) and the Federal Economic Chamber (https://www.zukunft-frauen.at) - registered in the supervisory board members database
Social involvement:
- Member of the Soroptimist International Wien Ringstraße (https://www.wien-ringstrasse.soroptimist.at/)
Additional activities:
- Since 2016, examination commissioner of the Vienna Bar Association (RAK) for bar examinations ( https://www.rakwien.at/ )
- Member of the board of the Klub Wiener Rechtsanwälte (https://klubwienerrae.at/)
- Gold Partner of the Legal Tech Hub Europe (LTHE: https://www.lthe.eu/)

Mag Christoph Fasching, MBA
Born in 1990
Attorney-at-law (in permanent cooperation with Ms Sylvia UNGER)
Bar Exame March 2022
Professional experience:
2023 - 2024 Associate at the Attorney-at-law Mrs Mag Sylvia Unger
2020 – 2023 Associate at FIDI UNGER Rechtsanwälte GmbH
2018 – 2020 Associate at the Attorney-at-law Mrs Mag Sylvia Unger
2015 – 2018 Legal assistant at the Attorney-at-law Mrs Mag Sylvia Unger
2014 – 2015 Assistant at Xerox Leasing GmbH
University education:
Study of law at the University of Vienna (Juridicum)
Focus of study: Real Property Law
Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland - focus in Finance
German, English
Marie Bernadette Kalcher

Legal Assistant
Max Rosenits

Legal Assistant
Albina Dizeldorf

Michaela Markovic

Almedina Govedari
