Our blog is intended to provide you with regular information on current legislation and case law, amendments to the law and our lecturing activities. With our contributions, we pursue the goal of creating added value for your everyday legal life.

Decision of the Supreme Court on 4 Ob 129/22g
Tenancy Law , Civil Law
No pandemic-related reduction of rent due to a financial shortage of the apartment tenant.

Seminar announcement "Payment transactions, payment services, payment account"
Banking Law , Payment Law , Business Law , Lecture / Lectures
On 20.03.2023 the professional seminar "Payment transactions, payment services, payment account! Current regulatory and civil law! - Current…

Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Banking Law , Commercial Law , Business Law
The Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 on digital operational resilience in the financial sector and modifying Regulations (EC) No. 1060/2009, (EU) No.…

Supreme Court (OGH) decision on general terms and conditions of a legal protection insurer (OGH 7 Ob 169/22m)
Civil Law , General Terms Of Contract
The Supreme Court (OGH) had to examine the following 3 clauses in general terms and conditions of a legal protection insurer, as the Supreme Court had…

No subrogation to the social insurance agency in case of air rescue costs after traffic accident (OGH 2 Ob 145/22w)
Aviation Law , Civil Law
1. Facts of the case
An air rescue operator performed two medically necessary air rescue transports after a traffic accident. He charged the injured…

Reduction of all-in payment during parental part-time leave (OGH 9 ObA 83/22d)
Employment Law for Companies , Civil Law
1. Facts of the case
The employee had been working for the employer since June 2015. The collective agreement for employees in commerce was…

Digital Services Act (DSA) - EU regulation on a single market for digital services (Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 19, 2022)
Civil Law
The Regulation on a single market for digital services ( was published in the…

Seminar announcement "Labor Law for Managers" with Ms. Mag. Unger as lecturer (November 2022)
Employment Law for Companies , Lecture / Lectures
On 28.11.2022, the professional seminar "Labor Law for Managers" will again take place at the Hilton Vienna Plaza Vienna.
Ms. Mag. Unger deals with…

Cancellation already after failure of the first repair attempt
Civil Law , Contract Law
The plaintiff purchased a new car from the defendant for EUR 36,083.00. The vehicle was handed over on 31.10.2019.
Plaintiff subsequently…